Saturday 28 July 2012

SYDNEY Angelic Orbs and the Universal Keys to Enlightenment, Empowerment and Ascension

Angelic Orbs and the Universal Keys to Enlightenment, Empowerment and


 Kathy Crosswell
International Speaker,
Medium and Co-author (with Diana Cooper) of:
Ascension through Orbs, Enlightenment through Orbs
The Keys to the Universe, invites you to join her for a fun filled
weekend, full of Angelic energy and focused on YOU

27 and 28 October 2012
Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm  &  Sunday 10.00 – 4.00pm
Venue—to be confirmed based on numbers
Cost  $450 AUD

The Angels are encouraging us to look inwards and to take action as we move forward into the
New Golden Age.
No more time for self denial,
you must act now!


To prepare you for the 2012 cosmic transformation and to accept the new energies as you move forward on your pathway.


· A better understanding of you and of your 12 chakras. from the Earth Star chakra to the Stellar Gateway chakra. and their relevance to ascension.

· A familiarisation with the Golden Cosmic Keys, the Keys to the Universe and their corresponding colours and sounds.

· Feeling the energy and sensing the wisdom of Archangels and Masters through their Orbs

· Connecting with planetary chakras

· Encountering the energy within the cosmic portals

· Guided healings

· Progressive and interactive exercises to move you forward energetically.

· Focusing your awareness on yourself, highlighting your own individual emotions and behaviours needing to be addressed.

· A handout in order to continue your journey, for you to bring all your chakra chambers into the Fifth Dimensional frequency.

· Meeting with wonderful people – a like minded family

· Laughter and fun

 To book and pay for your place
please click on the add to cart button below

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