Thursday, 2 August 2012

Newsletter 1 - August 2012 LAUNCH OF MY NEW WEBSITE

Newsletter 1             August 2012

Welcome to my first ever newsletter!

As I was sitting writing this newsletter the angels stopped me in my tracks. They reminded me to light a candle to dedicate my newsite to bring love and light to all who connect to it, which of course I did with joy in my heart!

Immediately following the blessing of my new site my wonderful inspiration Wywyvsil, the beautiful amazing being that he is, showed how I could develop my website. I was asked to offer tools, which when accessed and used wisely will allow our vibrations to rise to a more enlightened and empowered state, bringing us closer to ascension. Wow! You have no idea how much this excited me as I am very passionate about helping people to connect to their latent skills and free their souls to happiness.

I was then informed that it is time! ‘Time for what exactly?’ I ask, and I was told that it is time now for me to change the way I work so that I can help more people and connect people together; this brought me to tears as this is such a privilege and honour.

I was then asked to sit quietly to allow them to take me to the angelic realms as I was to be enlightened! This only took a few moments and I am happy to share with you what happened as I think it helps you understand me a little better.

In an instant I was enfolded in golden light and surrounded by so many angelic beings I couldn’t actually see them all. I knew this didn’t matter though. They combined their energies together and this lifted me high above them. I could feel the stress falling away from me as they removed my old habits and replaced these with something new, which I am still unravelling. It felt very freeing. I was gently carried back to the ground and as quickly as they came they went. I was left knowing that to walk my pathway as I have been doing, I have to change the way I do things. I have to become 5th dimensionally business focused so that I bring as much light and I can to others, (which I have been trying to do but to the detriment of my family and especially me), support my family tor eceive this light too; to be an inspirational and available mother for my three children and to give me, the ‘me’ time I need to continue to grow and walk my pathway to ascension too. They had given me a real time reminder and wake up call to bring everything into balance again.

Launch of my new website

So, now to the launch of my new website and the way I work. I know that I will change things along the way as I grow and as I listen to feedback from you, my extended friend network and to the advice from the angels who guide me so gently.

This website has been built so that it can be read on different devises. It is very easy to use.

It is by no way finished yet as I have so much to do to prepare all the tools the angels have asked me to write and record video for you to use.  As it grows in size it will have so much more to offer you. I hope you like it.

Each of the pages are very easy to read. There are new features like the translate button which is marvellous and links through to Amazon as well as my shop too. Please click on the followers’ button and subscribe to the newsletter if you wish.

Workshops, talks and other events
It is so much easier now to book to my workshops and talks, all at a click of a button. Just check out the events page and follow the buttons! If you are unsure if a workshop is for you, have a look at the testimonials page to see what others have said about the workshops. Click here the add to cart button below to register for latest event - 

CORNWALL – 12 Steps to Enlightenment and Empowerment with Orbs workshop.

The Angels are encouraging us to look inwards and take action as we move forward into the New Golden Age. No more time for self-denial, you must act now!
To prepare you for the 2012 cosmic transformation and to accept the new energies as you move forward on your pathway.
  • A better understanding of you and of your 12 chakras from the Earth Star chakra to the Stellar Gateway chakra and their relevance to ascension.
  • Feeling the energy and sensing the wisdom of Archangels through their Orbs
  • Progressive and interactive exercises to move you forward energetically.
  • Focusing awareness on you, highlighting your own individual emotions and behaviours that you need to address.
  • A handout, for you to complete, in order to continue your journey, for you to bring all your chakra chambers into the Fifth Dimensional frequency.
  • Meeting with wonderful people – a like-minded family
  • Laughter and fun

for full details please check out the events page on my website.

If you would like you can also sign up for newsletters. Just click on the button and follow the instructions. Your newsletter will be sent to you automatically each month.

Members Area
Thisis the first of the working practices that I am changing.

I am a very caring person and I do take on too much and as a result I bring aspects of my personal life out of balance. So to rectify this I am offering more in depth support via a subscriber member’s area. This area in particular will grow in tools of support and I am very happy to listen to what you would like to have added here.

I believe there should be two levels of subscription.

The first Basic Suscription at £5/ month offering monthly meditations and exercises and if relevent channelled information.

The second Premium Subscription at £30/ month offering in addition personal development support via workbooks and personal ad hoc support as needed via Skype, Lync, email or phone. If you wish to subscribe to the members area please click the add to cart buttons below to register.

Basic Subscription

Premium Subscription

Soul Readings
This is the second area that I am changing is to enable me to complete the readings outstanding and give me the time to write new workshops, talks and to build my subscription sites into very effective and enlightening information areas. So for a while I am not taking any reading bookings.

It would be wonderful if you could add your light to this website so that many more people will be drawn to it, to allow them to join us as we walk empowered into the light! Please click on the buttons to share it around your friends too.

What’s new?

The Keys to the Universe Cards
Diana Cooper and I have just finished The Keys to the Universe Oracle Cards which will be produced soon by Findhorn Press Ltd. I’ll let you know when they are due out!

World wide webinar to prepare for the cosmic moment
Diana Cooper and I are hosting a webinar on the 6 October 2012, to help prepare us for the 21 December 2012 cosmic moment. This is an incredibly important time as this year is the end of a 260,000 year period which the entire ancient civilisations mentioned as transformational. We need to be as ready as we can and this webinar has been designed to help with our personal journey of preparation. I will make this live on my events calendar very soon.

Australia and Singapore
I am in the final stages of organising to come to Australia (Sydney and Brisbane) and to Singapore to run talks and workshops. If all the planning comes together then I should bein the locality late October through most of November this year.

I am running the 12 Steps to Enlightenment and Empowerment with Orbs workshop at the Eliot House Hotel, in Liskeard, Cornwall on the 16 September 2012. Please check out my website for details. Cost £45. This is the first workshop that will be booked using the calendar so perhaps just let me know if you do not hear from me. I am sure it will work just perfectly.  If in doubt please call to book your place. +44 (01202) 971165. Or click the add to cart button below to register for the event.

Thankyou for reading.

 Lots of love, light, laughter and joy


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